Western Trade  Maquiladora Association

The WMTA provides you with an English-speaking connection to what is going on in our industry and our region. We design our meetings and events to provide a forum for exchanging information, making contacts, and building relationships among peers, government officials, supporting industries, and other trade and industry groups.
The WMTA serves as your voice in the Maquila industry in the United States and across the border in Mexico through our close ties with our partner in Baja California.

Maquiladora plant operators and related trade partners in Baja California

We encourage you to contact us, attend one of our meetings and build supportive relationships with your peers upon joining the WMTA. Your membership and participation are what lend strength to our collective voice in both the US and Mexico.
The WMTA is a non-profit organization funded solely through the membership of private businesses and member associations.

About Us

The Western Maquiladora Trade  Association aims to help keep the San Diego/Northern Baja area maquiladora operators and related businesses informed about U.S. and Mexico changes that may affect the industry and their operations. Our association neither strives to promote itself nor the maquiladora industry. The WMTA assists members in complying with U.S. and Mexican regulations and represents the maquiladora industry’s interests with government agencies in both the United States and Mexico in a proactive role to help effect a desirable outcome to any changes that may affect our industry.

Featured Services

Monthly Meetings

Monthly meetings featuring speakers on binational and maquiladora topics. An opportunity to interface with colleagues.

Seminars and Workshops

Programs about pertinent issues-U.S. and Mexican customs, transportation, trade legislation, taxes, salaries, turnover, health, infrastructure.

Membership Surveys

On Mexican salaries and turnover.

Government Advocacy

The WMTA represents the maquiladora industry’s interests with government agencies in both the United States and Mexico.

Your membership and participation is what lends strength to our collective voice in both the US and Mexico.